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Gala 2006 Contest pictures
Gala 2005 Contest pictures
Gala 2004 Contest pictures
Gala 2003 Contest pictures
Hurth/Stevens contest 2015
Hurth/Stevens contest 2014
Hurth/Stevens contest 2013
Hurth/Stevens contest 2012
Hurth/Stevens contest 2011
Hurth/Stevens contest 2010
Hurth/Stevens contest 2009
Hurth/Stevens contest 2008
EasyGlider 1st contest 3/2007
Hurth/Stevens contest 2005
Hurth/Stevens contest 2004
Hurth/Stevens contest 2017
Jim Brady tosses at Red Rock
Oliver and Pete launch 2012
S3 Hurth/Stevens winner 2010
Order of the Arrow 2010
Jim Brady's Compulsion 2012
Oli's Mystic hits the moon 2012
Twinstar towing EasyGlider
Pilot of the Year award 2010
Ron Madison at Banos
S3 contest 2007
Adam launching Oli retrieving
Oli's Cub on floats
Marston with Handlaunch
Marston launching
Marston catching
Blue Max and Cub
Jim Brady launching
Adam with BOT at Visalia 2004
Oli, Adam, Marston in Sac.
Pete and Madison
Dave landing Spring Fling 03
Lee and Oli at Spring Fling 06
The Red Shirt Mafia Brigade
Oliver Spring Fling 03
Adam Launching
Art Marston at Spring Fling 03
Chris with his hand launch
Jim Brady and Pete Casti
Lyn just launched
Chris winching up his HLG
Adam untangles another knot
Lee about to launch
Oliver, Arthur, Lyn, etc.
Adam launching his Turbo Bee
Adam Launching
Oliver and Ron Brown
Ron Brown
Arlee flying his Slow Stick
1st annual Gambler's Gala
Lieder and Marston 05
Marston with 80" Pterodactyl
PteroWorks website
Marston's Blue Max
Blue Max on floats
Sloping at Red Rock